Snow Suit Pattern | Size: 6 months to 1 year (2 years)

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Snow Suit Pattern

Size 6 months to 1 year
Size 2 years in parentheses

8 (10) skeins Knitting Worsted, Orlon Sayelle or Win­tuk green (2 oz. skein)
1 (1) skeins Knitting Worsted, Orlon Sayelle or Win­tuk white (2 oz. skein)
1 pair knitting needles each No. 5 and No. 7
1 set sock needles No. 6
1 crochet hook No. 6 or G
1 zipper 12 (14) inch. long

GAUGE: 5 sts. = 1 inch

1st row green: K across row
2nd row green: P across row
3rd row green: Work as 1st row
4th row green: Work as 2nd row
5th row white: * K4, slip next 2 sts. as if to P (yarn in back) repeat from * across row end K4
6th row white: * K4, slip next 2 sts. as if to P (yarn in front) repeat from * across row end K4
7th to 10th row incl. green: Work as list to 4th row
11th row white: K1 * slip next 2 sts. as if to P (yarn in back), K4 repeat from * across row end K1
12th row white: K1 * slip next 2 sts. as if to P (yarn in front), K4 repeat from * across row end K1
Repeat these 12 rows for pattern.

Starting on top of leggings with green and No. 5 needles cast on 60 (68) sts. and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 1½ (2) inch. Incr. 8 sts. (all sizes) at even inter­vals across last row of ribbing. Change to No. 7 needles and stock, st. and work even until the entire piece measures 6 (7) inch. or any des. length to crotch. Put a marker on each end of needle and decr. 1 st. at the beg. and end of every other row 5 (6) times, and at the beg. and end of every 6th row 5 (6) times (48 (52) sts. left. Work even until leg measures 9 (10½) inch. from crotch or any des. length to ankle. Change to No. 5 needles and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 2 (2½) inch. decr. 8 sts. (all sizes) at even intervals across first row of ribbing. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P. Work the 2nd half of legging the same way.

With green and No. 7 needles cast on 58 (64) sts. and work in pattern until piece measures 4½ (5½) inch. or any des. length to underarm. Shape raglan armhole: bind off for armhole at the beg. of the next 2 rows 2 (3) sts. 1st row: K1, slip 1, K1, p.s.s.o., work to last 3 sts., K2 tog., K1. 2nd row: work back. Repeat these 2 rows 18 (20) times. Rem. 18 sts. (all sizes) bind off.

With green and No. 7 needles cast on 28 (34) sts. and work in pattern for 3 inch. (For size 6 months to 1 year only: Incr. 1 st. at armhole edge every ¾ inch twice.) With 30 (34) sts. work even until the entire piece measures like back to underarm. Shape raglan armhole: bind off at armhole edge at the beg. of the next row 2 (3) sts. and decr. for raglan as on back 18 (20) times and at the same time when 11 (12) decr. are completed (there are 17 (19) sts. on needle) bind off for neck 6 (7) sts. at neck edge, decr. 1 st. at same edge every other row twice (all sizes). Rem. 2 sts. bind off.

RIGHT FRONT: Work as Left Front reversing all shapings. 

With green and No. 5 needles cast on 32 (36) sts. and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 1½ (2) inch. Incr. 2 (4) sts. at even intervals across last row of ribbing. Change to No. 7 needles and pattern. Incr. 1 st. at the beg. and end of every 6th row until 42 (46) sts. are on needle. Work even until the entire sleeve measures 8 (9) inch. or any des. length to underarm. Shape rag­lan cap: bind off at the beg. of the next 2 rows 2 sts. (all sizes). Decr. for raglan as on back 18 (20) times. Bind off rem. 2 sts. (all sizes). Work the other sleeve to correspond.

Sew up back seam of leggings and 3 inch. of front seam, leaving the rem. 3 inch. open for zipper. Sew up each leg. Sew up sides and sleeves of top. Sew sleeves to front and back. Sew top to leggings matching front opening for zipper. With green and No. 6 crochet hook work 1 row s.c. around front opening. Collar: Wrong side facing you pick up with green and No. 5 needles 52 (56) sts. around the neck and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 2½ (3) inch., incr. 1 st. at each end of needle every 3rd row. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P. Sew zipper in place and block to size.

With green and No. 5 needles cast on 70 (76) sts. and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 1 inch (all sizes). Change to No. 7 needles and pattern. Work even for 3 (3½) inch. Incr. 1 st. before and after the 2 center sts. every K row 5 (6) times, working incr. sts. in stock, st. Bind off. Sew up back seam. Neckband: Right side facing you pick up with green and No. 5 needles 52 (56) sts. around the neck and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 3 rows. Next row: * K2, y.o. K2 tog. repeat from * across row. Work 3 more rows in ribbing. Bind off K as K and P as P. With double strand of green and No. 6 crochet hook make a ch. 28 (32) inch. long. Pull ch. through beading row. Make 2 small tassels and sew one to each end. Block to size.

With green and No. 6 sock needles cast on 64 (68) sts. and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 3 inch. (all sizes). Change to K and incr. 4 sts. (all sizes) at even intervals across first row. Work even for 1 (1½) inch. (Slip next 24 sts. (all sizes) to a holder for face opening and work on rem. 44 (48) sts. back and forth in stock, st. for 3 (3½) inch. Shape top: 1st row: K30 (33), turn. 2nd row: P16 (18), turn. 3rd row: K15 (17), K2 tog., turn. 4th row: P15 (17), P2 tog. turn. Repeat 3rd and 4th row until there are 16 (18) sts. left ending with a P row.

Band: K across these (18) sts., with 2nd needle pick up and K 14 (15) sts. along one side of helmet, K across 24 sts. from holder, with 3rd needle pick up and K 14 (15) sts. along other side of helmet. (68 (72) sts. all tog.) Work in ribbing K2, P2 for 1 inch. (all sizes). Bind off loosely K as K and P as P. Block to size.