Your Home and Its Decoration | Book No. 30 | The Spool Cotton Company

Your Home and Its Decoration
Book No. 30
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1935

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Patterns Included: 
Shell Tie Back, Mesh Lace Chair Set, Lamp Shade, Filet Tie Back with Tassel, Shell Stitch Oval Chair Set, Luncheon or Tea Cloth, Reticella Motif for Luncheon Set, California Rose Inset for Luncheon Set, Cocktail Napkin, Windmill Bedspread, Pillow Case Insertion, Shell Stitch Dresser Set, Reticella Motif for Towel, Monkeyface Lace Edging, Lattice Lace Edging, New Mile-a-Minute Edging, Chain and Shell Edging, Pointed Filet Edging, Shell Scallop Edging, Stool Cover, Bath Mat, Bone Ring Mat, Flower Filet Luncheon Set, Square Doily with Crochet Inset, Lace Doily, Doily with Two-Colored Mesh Edging, Linen Center with Crocheted Edge, Sunday Night Supper Set, Luncheon Set in Colored Linen, Pearl Point Tapestry, Bathroom Rug with Fringe.

YOUR HOME and its decoration is designed to offer you decorative ideas for every room in the house. Smart new uses of crochet have been assembled here and the designs are simple and attractive.

Handmade Sports Wear | Book No. 35 | The Spool Cotton Company

Handmade Sports Wear
Book No. 35
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1934

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Patterns Included: 
Triangle Shell Blouse, Pyramid Crocheted Pullover, Saddle Shoulder Slipon, Summer Mesh Blouse, Scotch Tam, Tyrolean Hat, Tyrolean Scarf, Square Top Hat, Chain Mesh Glove, Seashell Bag, Crocheted Shirtwaist Dress, Crocheted Sport Gloves, Crocheted Cotton Lace Dress, Lacy Knitted Striped Blouse, Pull-Over Sweater, Tweed Mixture Cardigan Jacket, Two Piece Knitted Dress with Crochet Trim, Diamond Knitted Sport Suit, Tyrolean Gauntlet Gloves.

Handmade Sportswear exemplifies the smartest note in the mode. Garments crocheted or knitted of these soft cotton yarns in Boilfast colors fit into every woman’s wardrobe. These designs have been created to meet your every sports­wear costume need. Blouses or frocks may be lacy or tailored, as the occasion demands.

Hats, Bags and Accessories | Book No. 200 | The Spool Cotton Company

Hats, Bags and Accessories
Book No. 200
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1943

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Patterns Included: 
Baby Hat and Bag Set, Mother and Daughter Scotch Caps, Black Hat and Bag Set, Liberty Hat, Square Brimmed Hat, Beret, Baby Cap, Pink and Maroon Hat and Bag Set, Black Out Hat, Cherry Mittens, High Hat with Tassels, Paillette Trimmed Hat and Muff Set, Roll-Back Pompadour, Open Crown Hat and Bag Set, Classic Sailor Hat, Black Out Gloves, Classic Cotton Gloves, Classic Wool Lining.

Heady Stuff

Arlene Bathing Ensemble Pattern #752-A

Arlene Bathing Ensemble Pattern #752-A

WELL!!!! The ball must have landed on the beach at some seaside resort – and whether it be Atlantic City, Asbury Park or Newport your doll will be the best dressed there in this four piece ensemble. Beach Hat and Cape Fairly out do themselves to say nothing of the two button Bra TOP and sleek panties.

Julianna Ski Suit Pattern #751-A

Julianna Ski Suit Pattern #751-A

Julianna has decided on a little skiing at Sun Valley and is wearing this very smart Ski Suit and cap to match. The vest carries out the Norwegian motif and adds a dash of color. The wrists and ankles are snug fitting and the cap is snug fitting so it won't blow off while she is doing a Christiana down the mountainside.

Goldilocks Princess Dress and Beret Pattern #750-A

Goldilocks Princess Dress and Beret Pattern #750-A

Goldilocks (and her Mother) have decided up on a tour of the U.S.A. (which is really the thing to do this season) so she wears a Princess line dress, just like her mother's, to go shopping for the yearn for the rest of her wardrobe.

Classic Cotton Gloves #PC-1343 and Classic Wool Lining Patterns #PC-1344

Classic Cotton Gloves #PC-1343 and Classic Wool Lining Patterns #PC-1344

J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 2 balls for each size for Classic Cotton Gloves.
Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 2 balls (¾ oz. balls) for each size for Classic Wool Lining.
Set of 4 double-pointed steel knitting needles No. 14.

Black Out Gloves Pattern #PC-1351

Black Out Gloves Pattern #PC-1351

CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 8 balls (1 oz. balls) of White make the set.
A set of 4 double-pointed steel knitting needles No. 12 for Gloves.
Bone Crochet Hook No. 8 for Hat.
26 inches of millinery wire.


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