Basket Weave Scarf Pattern #2270

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Basket Weave Scarf Pattern #2270

Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Lustre Knitting Worsted, 6 skeins (1¼ oz. skeins).
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size).

Starting at one end, cast on 56 sts. 1st row: P 2, k 2, * p 6, k 2. Repeat from * across, ending row with p 4. 2nd and 3rd rows: K 4, * p 2, k 6. Repeat from * across, ending row with p 2, k 2. 4th row: Repeat 1st row. 5th row: * P 6, k 2. Repeat from * across. 6th and 7th rows: * P 2, k 6. Repeat from * across. 8th row: Repeat 5th row. Hereafter repeat these 8 rows until scarf measures 38 inches. Bind off.

Fringe. Cut 4 strands of yarn, each 8 inches long, for each fringe, and knot across short sides of scarf. Then trim fringe evenly.

Basket Weave Scarf Pattern #2270