Children's Two Needle Mittens Pattern #635

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Children's Two Needle Mittens Pattern #635

Small: 2-4 Year
Medium: 5-7 Year
Large: 8-10 Year

Instructions are for small size, changes for medium and large sizes are in parentheses.

MATERIALS—Fleisher’s or Bear Brand Machine Washable Win-Sport, Main Color A, 2 ozs.About 10 yards each of Green B; Red C; Yellow D and Tan E.

“Boye” Knitting Needles, 1 pair Size 2
Yarn Bobbins

GAUGE: 8 sts = 1 inch

RIGHT MITTEN—With A, cast on 36 (40-44) sts loosely. Work k 2, p 2 ribbing for 2½ (2½-3) ins. K 1 row, increasing 4 sts evenly spaced across row; 40 (44-48) sts. Work stockinette st for 1 (3-5) rows. Break off. Wind 3 bobbins each of A and E and 2 bobbins each of B, C and D.

Use separate bobbin for each change of color. Continuing stockinette st begin pat. as follows:

Row 1—With bobbin A, k 4 (5-6); with B, k 4; with 2nd bobbin A, k 4; with 2nd bobbin B, k 4; with ball of A, k 24 (27-30).

To prevent a hole when changing colors, bring color to be used under last color used.

Row 2—P 24 (27-30) A, 4 B, 4 A, 4 B, 4 (5-6) A. Continue pat. following chart, until 18 (20-22) rows above ribbing.

Dividing row—right side—Work 21 (23-25) sts, place on holder for back of hand, k next 7 (8-9) thumb sts, place remaining sts on holder for palm.

Thumb—Turn, with A, p 7 (8-9) thumb sts, cast on 7 (8-9) sts loosely; 14 (16-18) sts. Work even until 1¼ (1½-1¾) ins. above cast-on sts, end with p row.

Next row—K, decreasing 2 (4-6) sts evenly spaced across row; 12 sts. P 1 row. K 2 tog. 6 times; 6 sts. Break off leaving an end. Draw end through all sts twice. Fasten securely.

Sew thumb seam. Take up sts of back of hand, join A in last st, with same needle, pick up and k 7 (8-9) sts on cast-on thumb sts, take up and k palm sts to same needle; 40 (44-48) sts. Continuing to follow chart finish pat. Break off all bobbins. With A, work even until 4¼ (4¾-5¼) ins. above ribbing, end with p row.

Next row—K, decreasing 4 (2-0) sts evenly spaced across row; 36 (42-48) sts. P 1 row.

First dec. row—* K 4 (5-6) sts, k 2 tog.; repeat from * to end; 30 (36-42) sts. P 1 row.

2nd dec. row—* K 3 (4-5) sts, k 2 tog.; repeat from * to end.

Repeat dec. row every 2nd row 1 (2-3) times having 1 st less before dec. after each successive dec. row; 18 sts. P 1 row after last dec. row. K 2 tog. 9 times; 9 sts. Finish as for thumb. Sew side seam.

LEFT MITTEN—Work same as right mitten up to beg. of pat. Do not break off.

Row 1—With ball A, k 24 (27-30); with B, k 4; with bobbin A, k 4; with 2nd bobbin B, k 4; with 2nd bobbin A, k 4 (5-6).

Row 2—P 4 (5-6) A, 4 B, 4 A, 4 B, 24 (27-30) A. Continue pat. following chart until 17 (19-21) rows above ribbing.

Dividing row—wrong side—Work 21 (23-25) sts, place on holder for back of hand, work next 7 (8-9) sts for thumb, place remaining sts on holder for palm.

Thumb—With A, k 7 (8-9) thumb sts, cast on 7 (8-9) sts loosely; 14 (16-18) sts. Work 1¼ (1½-1¾) ins. Finish thumb as for right mitten.

Take up palm sts, join A at inner edge, p to end.

Next row—K palm sts; with same needle, pick up and k 7 (8-9) sts on cast-on thumb sts. With free needle take up sts of back of hand. Work sts of back of hand to same needle as palm sts. Finish pat. and top of mitten as for right mitten.

FINISHING—Steam. With black cotton embroider eyes; with red, embroider mouth as illustrated.

Children's Two Needle Mittens Pattern #635 chart