Sacque, Kimono and Bootees Pattern #5303

Sacque, Kimono and Bootees No. 5303 Pattern

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 3 balls (¾ oz. balls) for Sacque; 5 balls for Kimono; 1 ball for Bootees … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size) … Bone Crochet Hook No. 2 … 3 yards of ribbon, ¼ inch wide.

GAUGE: (Moss st) 7 sts make 1 inch; 11 rows make 1 inch.

Baby Blanket Pattern #5295

Baby Blanket No. 5295 Pattern

Approximately 53 inches square

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 13 balls (¾ oz. balls) … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 8 mm. size).

Soakers Pattern #5294

Soakers No. 5294 Pattern

Infant Size

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Knitting Worsted, 3 balls (1 oz. balls) … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 6 (4¼ mm. size) … 1 yard of ribbon, ½ inch wide.

GAUGE: (Garter st) 5½ sts make 1 inch.

Sacque Pattern #5292

Sacque No. 5292 Pattern

Infant Size

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 2 balls (¾ oz. balls) … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size) … 1¼ yards of ribbon, ¾ inch wide.

GAUGE: 7½ sts make 1 inch; 10 rows make 1 inch.

Shirt and Soakers Pattern #5291

Shirt and Soakers No. 5291 Pattern

Infant Size

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool, 6 balls (¾ oz. balls) … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size) … 1½ yards of narrow ribbon … 2 small buttons.

GAUGE: 8 sts make 1 inch; 10 rows make 1 inch.


Woolies for Babies | Book No. 224 | The Spool Cotton Company

Woolies for Babies
Book No. 224
Chadwick's Red Heart Wools
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1945

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Patterns Included: 
Shirt & Soakers, two Soakers, Sacque, Bootees, Bunting, two Baby Blankets, two Sacque-Kimono & Bootees, two Bonnet & Mittens, Baby Snowsuit, Toy Ball, four Baby Sweaters, Toy Bear, Cap & Mittens, Sacque & Bed Jacket, Baby Outfit.

A beguiling assortment of soft-as-down, sweet-as-sugar little garments for that Pretty Important Person who's coing to your house to stay.

Next to baby you want the best. That's why you choose the name that means the best. Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool and Knitting Worsted.

Knee Socks Pattern | Size 8 (9½)

Knee Socks Pattern

SIZES—8 (9½).

NOTE—Underline or circle the num­bers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 8, the second for size 9½.

MATERIALS—SPINNERIN CANDOUR 1 skein; 1 pair double point needles No. 1; 1 pair double point needles No. 4.

Bobby Socks Pattern | Size 9 (9½-10)

Bobby Socks Pattern

SIZES—9 (9½-10).

NOTE—Underline or circle the num­bers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 9, the second for size 9½, the third for size 10.

Ice Nymph Sweater Set Pattern | Sizes 10 (12-14)

Ice Nymph Sweater Set Pattern

SIZES 10 (12-14).

NOTE—Underline or circle the numbers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 10, the second for size 12, the third for size 14.

Man About Town Sweater Pattern | Sizes 8 (10-12-14)

Man About Town Sweater Pattern

SIZES 8 (10-12-14).

NOTE—Underline or circle the num­bers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 8, the second for size 10, the third for size 12, the fourth for size 14.

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