YARN: 3-ounces of Pompadour or 3-ply Baby Yarn
NEEDLES: 1-pr. #1 single pointed, 1-pr. #3 single pointed.
GAUGE: 7 sts to an inch.
Size: 2 yr.
YARN: 10-ounces of Sport Yarn
NEEDLES: 1-pr. #1 single pointed, 1-pr. #3 single pointed.
GAUGE: 7 sts to an inch.
Size: 1 yr.
YARN: 5-ounces of 3-ply Baby Yarn
NEEDLES: 1-pr. #3 single pointed, 1-pr. #1 single pointed.
GAUGE: 7½-sts to an inch.
Size: Infants to 1 yr.
YARN: 4-ounces of 3-ply Baby Yarn
NEEDLES: 1-pr. #3 single pointed
GAUGE: 8-sts to an inch.
Sizes 30-40
Directions are given for Size 30.
Changes for Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40 are in parentheses.
Sizes 34-46
Directions are given for Size 34.
Changes for Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46
are in parentheses.
Everyone Wears Sweaters
Book No. 291
J. & P. Coats ⋅ Clark's O.N.T.
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1952
Tops for Every Occasion … from a family outing to a formal date, sweaters follow the clock all year 'round. We've hunted the entire fashion field to capture the brightest and newest ideas ... to get you started on the most becoming Red Heart Sweaters ever to appear on your needles ... so pick your pattern and start right in ...
Book No. 289
J. & P. Coats ⋅ Clark's O.N.T.
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1952
Add an afghan to your family possessions. Almost before you finish the last stitch, every member of the household, young and old alike, will be clamoring to use it! Made with Red Heart Yarn, your afghan will withstand the constant usage and frequent washing imposed on it by your comfort-conscious family.
Such comfortable wool fashion accessories to wear to the movies, church suppers, meetings, the theater and the senior prom. Here is a collection of shrug knitting patterns for daytime and evening wear in easy knit stitches and simple instructions for knitting.
This sleeveless, boat-neck pullover is perfect over shirts and blouses, at home or in school.
COATS & CLARK'S "RED HEART" KNITTING WORSTED, 4 Ply ("Tangle-Proof" Pull-Out Skeins):
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