The Book of Edgings | Book No. 56 | The Spool Cotton Company

The Book of Edgings
Book No. 56
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1935

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Patterns Included: 
The Elizabeth Barrett Edging, Pine Tree Edging, Bridal Wreath Edging, Sweet Sixteen Edging, Silver Bells and Cockle Shells Edging, Royal Lady Edging, May Pole Dance Edging, Christmas Bells Edging, Shamrock Lane Edging, Coquetry Edging, Chequers Edging, Hyde Park Edging, Invitation to the Dance Edging, Nocturne Edging, Valse Caprice Edging, Sunset in Venice Edging, Caprice Victorienne Edging, Lattice Lane Edging, Bois de Boulogne Edging, Memory Lane Edging, Guest of Honor Edging, Iglooettes Edging, Classic Frieze Edging, Rambler Rose Edging, Washington Mews Edging, Printemps Edging, Empress Josephine Edging, Dauphine Edging, Castle Wall Edging, Etoile Edging, Alpine Edging, Buttercup Road Edging, Garden Gate, Queen Anne Edging, Pomander Walk Edging, Chippendale Edging, Regency Edging, Georgian Belle Edging, Piecrust Edging, Sugar and Spice Edging, The Princeling Edging, Talking Tiger Lily Edging, Butterfly Ballet Edging, Miss Muffet Edging, Star Bright Edging, Romeo and Juliet Edging & Insertion, Tristan and Isolde Edging & Insertion, Darby and Joan Edging & Insertion, Anthony and Cleopatra Insertion, Clover Patch Edging & Insertion, Birthday Cake Edging & Insertion, Diamonds on Parade Edging & Insertion, Chapel Window Edging & Insertion, Rose Tree Edging, Hollyhock Edging, Snow Drift Edging, Blossom Time Edging, Canary Cottage Edging, Lily Pads Edging, Mignonette Edging, Formal Border, The Hairpin Hedge Edging, The Hairpin Ballet Edging, The Hairpin Garden Edging, The Hairpin Forest Edging.

8-Ball Socks Pattern #7285

8-Ball Socks Pattern #7285

Simplified multi-color knitting with color charts. Stitch sequences numbered. Each row knitted across and purled back in the same colors. Sock sizes 10 to 13.


Sea Horse Clock Socks Pattern #72100

Sea Horse Clock Socks Pattern #72100

Simplified multi-color knitting with color charts. Stitch sequences numbered. Each row knitted across and purled back in the same colors.


Formal Border Pattern #8095

Formal Border Pattern

   These designs are made of J. & P Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita; and size 5 Pearl Cotton or Mercerized Crochet. Use double point steel knitting needles, or 2 millimeter size.

8095 • formal border

Mignonette Edging Pattern #8097

Mignonette Edging Pattern #8097

   These designs are made of J. & P Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita; and size 5 Pearl Cotton or Mercerized Crochet. Use double point steel knitting needles, or 2 millimeter size.

8097 • mignonette

Lily Pads Edging Pattern #8096

Lily Pads Edging Pattern

   These designs are made of J. & P Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita; and size 5 Pearl Cotton or Mercerized Crochet. Use double point steel knitting needles, or 2 millimeter size.

8096 • lily-pads

Canary Cottage Edging Pattern #8094

Canary Cottage Edging Pattern

   These designs are made of J. & P Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita; and size 5 Pearl Cotton or Mercerized Crochet. Use double point steel knitting needles, or 2 millimeter size.

8094 • canary cottage

Blossom Time Edging Pattern #8093

Blossom Time Edging Pattern

   These designs are made of J. & P Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita; and size 5 Pearl Cotton or Mercerized Crochet. Use double point steel knitting needles, or 2 millimeter size.

8093 • blossom time

Snow Drift Edging Pattern #8092

Snow Drift Edging Pattern

   These designs are made of J. & P Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita; and size 5 Pearl Cotton or Mercerized Crochet. Use double point steel knitting needles, or 2 millimeter size.

8092 • snow-drift

Rose Tree Edging Pattern #815

Rose Tree Edging Pattern

   These designs are made of J. & P Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen or Clark's O.N.T. Cronita; and size 5 Pearl Cotton or Mercerized Crochet. Use double point steel knitting needles, or 2 millimeter size.

815 • rose tree

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