These instructions are for sizes sixteen and twenty.
Utopia Knitting Worsted, 4 ounce skeins. 5 skeins Navy, 779 for size 16. 6 skeins for size 20.
Columbia or Boye Steel Needles, size 4. Columbia or Boye Steel Needles, size 3.
6 ½ sts = 1 inch. 8 rows = 1 inch.
For size sixteen follow instructions as written. For size twenty follow instructions as written, substituting numbers in italics.
Using size 4 needles cast on 98 (110) sts and work even in stockinette st for 4 (3) inches. 1 inch from start, p 1 row on right side of work for turn of hem. Dec. 1 st each side, then dec 1 st each side every 1 ½ (2) inches 2 times more. Work even for 2 inches. Inc 1 st each side, then inc 1 st each side every ½ inch 6 (9) times more (126 sts), then inc 1 st each side every inch 2 times more (110 sts). Work even for 2 (2 ½) inches. Bind off 6 (7) sts at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows. Then (bind off 2 sts at the beginning of each of the next 10 rows, then dec 1 st each side every other row 3 times) dec 1st each side every other row 8 times more. When work measures 7 (7 ½) inches straight up from the bound off sts at underarm, bind off 6 (7) sts at the beginning of each of the next 4 (6) rows. Then bind off 7 (6) sts at the beginning of each of the next 4 (2) rows. Bind off remaining 30 sts.
Right Front:
Using size 4 needles cast on 48 (55) sts and work even in stockinette st for 1 inch. Next row, cast on 7 sts at center front edge and p remainder of row (on right side of work) for turn of hem. Continue to work even in stockinette st. When work measures 2 inches from start, work a buttonhole on front edge as follows: K 2, bind off 4 sts and work across row. Next row, cast on 4 sts over those bound off. Work a buttonhole in this manner every 2 ½ inches 7 times more. When work measures 4 (2 ½) inches from start, at side edge, dec 1 st. Dec st at same edge every 1 ½ inches 2 (3) times more. Work even for 2 inches, then inc 1 st at side edge. Then inc 1 st at same edge every ½ inch 8 (9) times more (68 sts), then every inch once (62 sts). Work even for 2 (2 ½) inches. Bind off 6 (7) sts at side edge for underarm, then (bind off 2 sts every other row 4 times, then dec 1 st every other row 8 times) dec 1 st at same edge every other row 12 times. When work measures 5 ½ inches straight up from the bound off sts at underarm, at neck edge, bind off 7 sts, then dec 1 st at same edge every row 11 times. At the same time, when work measures 7 (7 ½) inches from underarm, bind off 6 (7) sts at the beginning of every other row twice (3 times), then bind off 7 (6) sts at the beginning of every other row 2 times (once) more.
Work Left Front to correspond, omitting buttonholes and having inc and dec on opposite sides.
Using size 3 needles, cast on 46 (52) sts and work even in k 1, p 1 ribbing for 1 inch. Change to size 4 needles and working in stockinette st, inc 1 st each side, then (½ inch 8 times more, then every inch 11 times more—92 sts) inc 1 st each side every inch 15 times more (78 sts). Work even for 2 inches, then bind off 6 (7) sts at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows. Then dec 1 st each side every other row 14 (19) times, then dec 1 st each side every row 12 (10) times more. Bind off remaining 14 (20) sts.
Using size 4 needles, cast on 26 sts and work even in stockinette st for 3 inches. Change to size 3 needles and work in k 1, p 1 ribbing for 1 inch, bind off. Make 2.
Do Assemble:
Sew shoulder seams, sew sleeves in place, sew un-derarm seams. Using size 3 needles, pick up 82 (92) sts around neck and work in k 1, p 1 ribbing for 1 inch, working a buttonhole ½ inch from start. Bind off. Face front edges with grosgrain ribbon. Sew pockets in place.
Other great patterns from Practical Handknits Adaptable for War Relief, Volume No. 93:
V-Neck Coat Sweater
V-Neck Slip-Over
Sleeveless Slip-Over
Round Neck Slip-Over
Raglan Slip-Over
Woman's Cardigan
Child's Slip-Over
Child's Socks
Abdominal Band
Heeless Socks
Wristlet Mittens
Child's Cap and Glove Set
Beany Cap
Children's Mittens
Knee-Cap Socks
Rifleman's Glove
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