Knitted Swing Dress Pattern

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Knitted Swing Dress Pattern

Size 2-3 years

6 ozs. CYNTHIA Bay-Bee Yarn or CYN­THIA Shetland Floss Pink No. 358.
29 inch Circular steel needle No. 3 (3 MM).
One pair bone needles No. 3(3 MM).
2 yards Blue Grosgrain ribbon 1 inch wide

Gauge: 13 sts = 2 inches

Front: Beginning at waist with straight needles, cast on 64 sts. Knit garter st for 4 inches even. Bind off 4 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st each side every other row 4 times (48 sts). Knit even until work measures 8 in­ches from beginning. Next row: K 10, bind off next 3 sts, K 22, bind off next 3 sts, K 10. Next row: K, casting on 3 sts directly over the 3 sts bound off on previous row. K 6 rows even and bind off straight across.

Back: Cast on 64 sts and work same as Front.

Skirt: With circular needle, cast on 264 sts, join. Knit garter st (K 1 round, P 1 round) for 8 rounds, then start pattern. 1st round: K 8, * yarn over needle twice, K 1, repeat from * 7 times, yarn over once, K 16, * repeat from * to * 10 times. On last pattern end K 8. 2nd round: P 8, drop 1 st from needle, * K 2, drop 1 st, repeat from * 7 times, P 16, * repeat from * to * 10 times, ending P 8. 3rd round: K 8, * K 2 together, K 12, K 2 together, K 16, repeat from * 10 times, ending K 8. 4th round: P 8, * P 2 together, P 10, P 2 together, P 16, repeat from * 10 times, ending P 8. 5th round: K 8, * P 2 together, P 8, P 2 to­gether, K 16, repeat from * 10 times, ending K 8. 6th round: P 8, * P 2 together, P 6, P 2 together, P 16, repeat from * 10 times, ending P 8. Repeat these 6 rounds until there are 16 patterns in all, decreasing as follows: on the 5th round of every other pattern, K 2 sts together at beginning and end of each garter st panel (just before and after each shell). Continue decreasing until there are 2 sts in each garter st panel. K 1 round, decreas­ing at even intervals to 88 sts. P 1 round, K 1 round, for 8 rounds and bind off.

Sleeves: With straight needles, cast on 40 sts. K garter st for 8 rows, then work pattern. 1st row: K 4, * yarn over needle twice, K 1, repeat from * 7 times, yarn over once, K 4, * repeat from * to * twice. 2nd row: K 4, drop 1 st from needle, * P 2, drop 1 st, repeat from * 7 times, K 4, * repeat from * to * twice. 3rd row: K 4, * K 2 together, K 12, K 2 together, K 4, repeat from * twice. 4th row: K 4, * K 2 together, K 10, K 2 together, K 4, repeat from * twice. 5th row: K 4, * P 2 to­gether, P 8, P 2 together, K 4, repeat from * twice. 6th row: K 4, * K 2 together, K 6, K 2 together, K 4, repeat from * twice. Repeat these 6 rows until there are 6 patterns in all, then work garter st for 8 rows and bind off. Sew under­arm, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in place. Sew skirt onto waist having garter st band at top of skirt overlapping lower edge of waist. Sew lower edge, then upper edge of band to waist, leaving opening at center back on upper edge to insert elastic. Run elastic through casing at waist. Cut ribbon in one 1-yard length and two ½ yard lengths. Tie ribbon through slits on shoulders. Work a chain loop on each side at waistline and run ribbon through, tying at cen­ter front.