Two Tone Cable Clock Socks Pattern #309

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Two Tone Cable Clock Socks Pattern

All sizes

3 skeins Sock yarn 3 ply, m. c. (1 oz. ball)
1 skein Sock yarn 3 ply, c. c. (1 oz. ball)
1  set sock needles each No. 1 and No. 2
2  bobbins
1 card Nylon for heel and toe reinforcement

Note: Wind 2 bobbins c. c.

GAUGE: 7½ sts. = 1 inch

With m. c. and No. 1 needles cast on 68 sts. Join, being careful not to twist sts. Work in ribbing K 2, P 2 for 3 inch. Change to No. 2 needles and pattern. 1st to 5th rounds incl.: With m. c. P 1, K 3, attach a bobbin of c. c., K 6 c. c. (carry m. c. loosely in back), with m. c. K 3, P 1, K 20, F 1, K 3, attach another bobbin of c. c., K 6 c. c. (carry m. c. loosely in back), with m. c. K 3, P 1, K 20. Note: Always K the m. c. sts. in m. c. and the c. c. sts. in c. c. 6th round: m. c. * P 1, slip next 3 m. c. sts. to an extra needle and hold in front of work, K next 3 c. c. sts., K the 3 m. c. sts. from extra needle, slip next 3 c. c. sts. to an extra needle and hold in back of work, K next 3 m. c. sts., K the 3 c. c. sts. from extra needle, P 1 m. c., K 20 m. c., repeat from * once. 7th to 11th rounds incl.: * P 1 m. c., K 3 c. c., K 6 m. c., K 3 c. c. (P 1, K 20 m. c.), repeat from * across round. 12th round: * P 1 m. c., slip next 3 c. c. sts. to an extra needle and hold in front of work, K next 3 m. c. sts., K the 3 c. c. sts. from extra needle. Slip next 3 m. c. sts. to an extra needle and hold in back of work, K next 3 c. c. sts., K the 3 m. c. sts. from extra needle, (P 1, K 20 m. c.), repeat from * across round, repeat these 12 rounds for pattern. Work even until the entire sock measures 10 inch. Now divide the sts. as follows: Slip next 34 sts. (from center of 1 cable to center of other cable) to one needle for heel and attach Nylon. Work over heel needle only. 1st row: (right side) * slip 1, K 1, repeat from * across row. 2nd row: P across row. Repeat these 2 rows for 28 rows. Start to shape heel: (right side facing you) slip 1, K 16, K 2 tog., K 1, turn, slip 1, P 3, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Slip 1, K 4, K 2 tog., K 1, turn. Slip 1, P 5, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Slip 1, K 6, K 2 tog., K 1, turn. Slip 1, P 7, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Continue this way always working 1 st. more on each row until 18 sts. are left on heel needle. Cut off Nylon. With another needle (1st needle) pick up and K 14 sts. on one side of heel, work across instep needle as follows: K 3 c. c., 3 m. c., P 1 m. c., K 20 m. c., P 1 m. c., K 3 m. c., K 3 c. c. With another needle (3rd needle), pick up and K 14 sts. on other side of heel and K half of heel sts. to same needle. Slip the rem. heel sts. to first needle, end at center of sole. Decrease for instep as follows: 1st round: On first needle K to within 3 sts., K 2 tog., K 1. Work across instep sts. in pattern. On 3rd needle: K 1, slip 1, K 1 and p.s.s.o. the K st. K to end. 2nd round: Work even keeping pattern on instep needle. Repeat these 2 rounds once more. 5th round: On first needle K to within 3 sts., K 2 tog., K 1; on instep needle: slip next 3 c. c. sts. to an extra needle and hold in back of work, K next 3 m. c. sts.; K the 3 c. c. sts. from extra needle (a cable made), P 1 m. c., K 20 m. c., P 1 m. c., slip next 3 m. c. sts. to an extra needle and hold in front of work, K next 3 c. c. sts., K the 3 m. c. sts. from extra needle (a cable made). On 3rd needle, K 1, slip 1, K 1 and p. s. s. o. the K st. K to end. Continue to work this way, decr. 1 st. on 1st and 3rd needle every other round and cable the K 6 sts. on each end of instep needle every 8th round until there are 16 sts. left on each heel needle. Work even until 4½ inch, from instep. Break off c. c. bobbins and decr. 1 st. in each K 6 cable section. There are 64 sts. in round now. Work even until foot measures 8½ inch, from tip of heel for size 10½; 9 inch for size 11, or 2 inch, less than desired length when finished. Start toe decrease: Attach Nylon. 1st round: K around. 2nd round: On first needle K to within 3 sts., K 2 tog., K 1. On 2nd needle: K 1, slip 1, K 1, p. s. s. o. the K st., K to within 3 sts., K 2 tog., K 1. On 3rd needle: K 1, slip 1, K 1, p. s. s. o. the K st., K to end. Repeat these 2 rounds until 20 sts. are left in round. Weave sts. together. Steam lightly.