Two Tone Twist Socks Pattern #293

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Two Tone Twist Socks Pattern

All sizes

2 balls Sock yarn 3 ply, m. c. (1 oz. ball)
1 ball Sock yarn 3 ply, c. c. (1 oz. ball)
1 pair knitting needles each No. 1 and No. 2
1 set sock needles No. 2
2 stitch holders
1 card Nylon for heel and toe reinforcement

GAUGE: 7½  sts. = 1 inch

1st row: c. c. K 2, * K the 3rd st. off left hand needle, loosely in back), K 4, repeat from * across row, end K 2.
2nd row: m. c. P 2, * slip 3 sts. as if to P (carry yarn loosely in front), P 4, repeat from * across row, end P 2.
3rd row: m. c. K 2, * slip 3 sts. as if to P (carry yarn then the 1st st. off left hand needle, then the 2nd st. off left hand needle and let the 3 loops slip off the needle tog., K 4, repeat from * across row, end K 2.
4th row: c. c. P across row.
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern.

With m. c. and No. 1 needles cast on 68 sts. and work back and forth in ribbing K 1, P 1 for 3 inch. Change to No. 2 needles and c. c. K 1 row and incr. 2 sts. (70 sts.). P 1 row c.c. Change to pattern and work even for 7½ inch, ending with 4th row. Break off c. c. Now divide the sts. as follows: With m. c. work across 17 sts. and slip them to a holder. Work across 36 sts. in pattern for instep. Work even until foot measures from tip of heel 8 inch. Break yarn. Attach yarn again at instep needle and work over these sts. in pattern for 4 inch, (discontinue the 3 slip sts. on each end of needle, thus beginning and ending the row with K 6 sts. and having 3 twists on instep needle). Slip the sts. to a sock needle (2nd needle). Heel: Slip the 17 sts. from one holder and the 17 sts. from the other holder to one needle for heel (make sure that center of heel is center of sock). Attach a ball of m. c. and Nylon. 1st row: (right side facing you) * slip 1, K 1, repeat from * across row. 2nd row: P across row. Repeat these 2 rows for 30 rows. Now start to shape heel: (right side facing you) Slip 1, K 17, K 2 tog., K 1, turn. Slip 1, P 3, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Slip 1, K 4, K 2 tog., K 1, turn. Slip 1, P 5, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Slip 1, K 6, K 2 tog., K 1, turn. Slip 1, P 7, P 2 tog., P 1, turn. Continue this way always working 1 st. more on each row until 18 sts. are left on heel needle. Break yarn and cut off Nylon. Right side facing you, pick up with m. c. and a sock needle 15 sts. along right side of heel. K across 9 heel sts. (3rd needle). With another sock needle, K the rem. 9 heel sts., pick up and K 15 sts. along other side of heel (1st needle). Work over 1st and 3rd needles only. 1st row: P back. 2nd row: K 1, slip 1, K 1, p.s.s.o. the K St., K to the "last 3 sts. on 1st needle, K 2 tog., K 1. Repeat these 2 rows until there are 34 sts. on 1st and 3rd needles tog. Work as long as instep sts. Connect the three needles, discontinue pattern on instep needle, and work in m. c. only, decr. 1 st. at each end of instep needle. There are now 68 sts. in round. Work over rem. 17 sts. in m. c. and slip them to a holder, for size 10; 8½ inch, for size 10½, or 2 inch, less than, desired length when finished. Now start toe decrease: Attach Nylon. 1st round: K around. 2nd round: On first needle K to within 2 sts., K 2 tog. On 2nd needle: K S tog., K to within 2 sts., K 2 tog. On 3rd needle: K 2 tog., K to end. Repeat these 2 rounds until 20 st. are left in round. Weave sts. tog.


Part of instructions were missing and pattern was updated 12/31/12 to include missing instructions at beginning of pattern.