Evening at Home Blouse

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MATERIALS: Beehive Catriona Crepe (1 oz. skeins): Size 12 — 8 skeins of White: Sizes 14 and 16 — 9 skeins; 1 skein each of California Blue and Sunstar for all sizes ... Royal Society Aluminum or Plastic Knitting Needles, 1 pair No. 2 (2¾ mm. size) ... Steel Crochet Hook No. 5 ... Bobbins ... Shoulder pads.

GAUGE: 9½ sts measure 1 inch; 12 rows measure 1 inch.

Measurements for Blocking Garment:









Width across back or front at underarm




Width across back or front above armhole shaping




Length from shoulder to lower edge




Length of side seam




Length of sleeve seam




Width across sleeve at upperarm




Directions are for Size 12. Changes for Sizes 14 and 16 are in parentheses.

BACK ... Starting at lower edge with White, cast on 150 (160, 170) sts. Work in stockinette st. knit 1 row, purl 1 row, for 1 inch, ending with a purl row. Next row: Knit across, decreasing 11 sts evenly spaced across. Work without de­creasing for 1 inch, ending with a purl row. Following row: Knit across decreasing 11 sts evenly spaced, 128 (138, 148) sts. Work without decreasing for ½ inch, ending with a purl row. Next row: * Sl 1, k 1. Repeat from * across. Follow­ing row: Purl across. Repeat the last 2 rows for ¾ inch, ending with a purl row. Next row: Knit across, increasing 6 sts evenly spaced. Work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 6th row until there are on needle 164 (174, 184) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures 11 (11½, 12) inches in all.

To Shape Armholes: Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of following 2 rows. Bind off 2 sts at the beginning of next 4 rows. Decrease 1 st at end of each row until there remain 128 (138, 148) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures 2½ inches from first row of armhole shaping, ending with a purl row.

BACK OPENING ... Knit across 64 (69, 74) sts, cast on 5 sts Turn and work over the last set of sts as follows: 1st row (K 1, p 1) 5 times; purl across next 59 (64, 69) sts. Next row: Knit 59 (64, 69) sts, (p 1, k 1) 5 times (moss st). Continue it stockinette st. keeping the 10 sts at back opening in moss st until piece measures 8 (8½, 9) inches from first row of armhole shaping, ending at armhole edge.

To Shape Neck and Shoulders: Bind off at the beginning of next row 10 (11, 12) sts. Knit to end of row. Following row: Bind off 29 (30, 31) sts for back of neck. Purl to end of row. Bind off 10 (11, 12) sts at the beginning of next row and every other row 3 times. Break off. Cast on 5 sts on spare needle attach yarn where sts were divided and work other side to correspond, reversing shapings.

FRONT ... Work as for Back until piece measures 3¼ inches ending with a purl row. Next row: Knit across, increasing 14 sts evenly spaced. There are on needle 142 (152, 162) sts Work in stockinette st for 4 rows. Now work in pattern as follows: 1st row: Increase 1 st in first st. purl next 21 (26, 31) sts; attach a bobbin of Blue, p 1 Blue, p 39 White; attach a bobbin of Blue, p 1 Blue, p 16 White; attach a bobbin of Blue, p 1 Blue, p 39 White; attach a bobbin of Blue, p 1 Blue, with White purl 21 (26, 31) sts, increase 1 st in last st. 2nd row: With White k 22 (27, 32) sts, k 3 Blue, k 34 White, turn; k 31 White, turn; k 31 White, turn; p 3 White, turn; k 34 White, k 3 Blue, k 14 White, k 3 Blue k 34 White, turn; k 31 White, turn; k 31 White, turn p 31 White, turn; k 34 White, k 3 Blue, k 22 (27, 32) White. 3rd row: With White p 21 (26, 31) sts, p 2 Blue, p 1 White, p 2 Blue, p 35 White, p 2 Blue, p 1 White, p 2 Blue, p 1 White, p 2 Blue, p 1 White, p 2 Blue, p 35 White, p 2 Blue p 1 White, p 2 Blue, p 21 (26, 31) White. 4th row: With: White k 22 (27, 32), k 3 Blue, k 37 White, k 3 Blue, k 14 White, k 3 Blue, k 37 White, k 3 Blue, k 22 (27, 32) White. 5th row: With White p 23 (28, 33), p 1 Blue, p 4 White, * place yarn in back of work; with right hand needle pick up 1 st 7 rows down from next st on purl side, k 1 st from left hand needle, slip the picked up st over the knitted st. Repeat from * 30 more times (tuck made), p 4 White, p 1 Blue, p 16 White, p 1 Blue, p 4 White, make another tuck over next 31 sts as before, p 4 White, p 1 Blue, p 23 (28, 33) White. Break off Blue. With White work in stockinette st for 4 rows, increasing 1 st at both ends of next row. Now work as follows: Next row: With White k 38 (43, 48), follow chart over next 13 sts; with White k 44, follow chart over next 13 sts; with White k 38 (43, 48). Continue in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 6th row, following chart over each 13 sts of chart as established until top of chart is reached. With White only work 6 more rows of stockinette st. The last 26 rows establish the pattern. Work in pattern, being careful to make tuck over tuck and chart pattern over chart pattern

At the Same Time

increasing 1 st at both ends of every 6th row until there are on needle 164 (174, 184) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures 11 (11½, 12) inches in all.

To Shape Armholes: Bind off 6 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Bind off 2 sts at the beginning of next 4 rows. Decrease 1 st at both ends of every other row until there remain 128 (138, 148) sts. Continue in pattern until 7 rows of tucks are made. Then discontinue pattern and, with White only, work until piece measures 6 inches from first row of armhole shaping, ending with a purl row.

To Shape Neck: K 54 (58, 62) sts. Bind off next 20 (22, 24) sts, k 54 (58, 62) sts. Work over the last set of 54 (58, 62) sts only. Purl 1 row. Bind off 3 sts at beginning of next row and following knit row. Then bind off 2 sts at neck edge every other row twice. Now decrease 1 st at neck edge every other row until there remain 40 (44, 48) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures 8 (8½, 9) inches from first row of armhole shaping, ending at armhole edge.

To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 10 (11, 12) sts at the beginning of next row and every other row until all sts are bound off. Attach yarn to other side of neck edge and work other side to correspond, reversing shapings.

SLEEVES ... Starting at cuff with White, cast on 60 sts. Work in stockinette st for 2 inches, ending with a knit row. Next row: Knit across (hemline). Continue in stockinette st for 2 more inches, ending with a purl row. Now increase as follows: 1st row: Knit across, increasing 1 st in every 6th st 10 times (70 sts). 2nd and all even rows: Purl across. Continue in stockinette st, working as follows: 3rd row: Increase 1 st in even 7th st (80 sts). 5th row: Increase 1 st in every 5th st 16 times (96 sts). 7th row: Increase 1 st in every 4th st 24 times (120 sts). 9th row: Increase 1 st in every 4th st 30 times (150 sts). 11th row: Increase 1 st in every 9th st 16 times (166 sts). Work without increasing until piece measures 10 inches from hemline. Decrease 1 st at both ends of next row and every 12th row thereafter until 152 sts remain. Work without decreasing until piece measures from hem­line 17 (18, 19) inches.

To Shape Top: Bind off 7 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Bind off 5 sts at the beginning of following 2 rows. Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Bind off 2 sts at the beginning of following 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at end of each row until 106 sts remain. Decrease 1 st at both ends of each row until there remain 30 (30, 26) sts. Bind off 10 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Bind off 10 (10, 6) sts.

NECKBAND ... With White cast on 13 sts and work as follows: 1st row: Knit across. 2nd row: Purl across. 3rd row: Increase 1 st in first st, knit across to last 2 sts, k 2 tog. Repeat the last 2 rows until piece is long enough to go around neck edge. Bind off.

Block to measurements given. Sew up side and shoulder seams. Turn hem of culls to wrong side and sew in place. Sew sleeve seams, leaving 3½ inches free at cuff. Sew in sleeves. Sew neckband around neck edge. Fasten cuffs and back opening with snap fasteners. Sew in shoulder pads. With crochet hook make sc closely around lower edge. Join and turn. Sl st in each sc around. Join and break off.

Other great patterns from Beehive Hand Knits Fashion Book, Book No. 144.

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