Tweed Jacket Pattern #768

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Tweed Jacket Pattern #768

Size 4 years
Size 6 years in parentheses

5 (6) balls light weight Mohair each light and dark green (1 oz. ball), or
3 (4) skeins light weight Knitting Worsted each light and dark green (2 oz. skein)
1 pair knitting needles No. 10
1 crochet hook No. 8 or H
4 buttons

GAUGE: 3 sts. = 1 inch

1st row: * K1, P1, repeat from * across row
2nd row: as 1st row
3rd row: * P1, K1, repeat from * across row
4th row: as 3rd row
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern.

NOTE: The entire jacket is worked with double yarn, 1 strand of each color.

Cast on 40 (44) sts. with No. 10 needles and work in pattern for 8 (9) inch. or any des. length to underarm. Bind off for armhole at the beg. of the next 2 rows 3 (3) sts., at the beg. of the next 2 rows 2 sts. (30 (34) sts. left). Work even for 5½ (6) inch. from the first binding off. Bind off for shoulders at the beg. of the next 4 (4) rows 5 (6) sts., rem. 10 (10) sts. bind off for neck.

Cast on 22 (24) sts. with No. 10 needles and work in pattern until piece measures like back to underarm. Bind off at underarm edge 4 (4) sts. and at the beg. of the next row at same edge 2 (2) sts. (16 (18) sts. left) Work as high as back and bind off for shoulder at armhole edge 5 (6) sts. twice, rem. 6 (6) sts. bind off for lapel. Work the other front to correspond, reversing all shapings.

Cast on 18 (22) sts. with No. 10 needles and work in pattern for 1½ inch. Incr. 1 st. at the beg. and at the end of every 6th row until 30 (34) sts. are on needle. Work even until the entire sleeve measures 9 (10) inch. or any des. length to underarm. Bind off at the beg. of the next 2 rows 3 sts. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. of each row until cap measures 2 (2½) inch. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. and end of every 4th row twice. Bind off 2 sts. at the beg. of the next 4 rows. Bind off rem. sts. Work the other sleeve to correspond.

Sew up side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. Collar: Wrong side facing you, starting in 6th st. from center edge pick up and K24 (28) sts. around the neck, leaving the last 5 sts. free. Work in pattern and work even for 2 rows. Cast on 6 sts. at the beg. of the next 2 rows. Work even for 2 (2¼) inch. Bind off loosely in pattern. With No. 8 crochet hook work 4 rows s.c. along left front. Work 4 rows s.c. along right front, forming 4 (4) buttonholes evenly spaced apart in 2nd row. (To form a buttonhole: ch. 2, skip 2, on next row work 2 s.c. in space made by ch. 2 of previous row.) Starting at outer edge of lapel crochet 2 rows s.c. around lapels and collar. Sew buttons in place and block to size.