Dressy Sweater Pattern #769

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Dressy Sweater Pattern #769

Size 3 years
Sizes 5 and 7 years in parentheses

4 (5-6) balls light weight Mohair white (1 oz. ball) small amount of Mohair each pink, red and blue for dots, or
4 (5-6) skeins Knitting Worsted white (2 oz. skein) small amount of Knitting Worsted each pink, red and blue for dots
1 pair knitting needles each No. 4 and No. 8
1 crochet hook No. 6 or G
1 button

GAUGE: 4 sts. = 1 inch

1st row to 6th row incl.: white: stock. st.
7th row: K9 (11-13) white * drop white, attach red and make a dot as follows: K out of next st. 6 sts. by going alternately in front and back of the same st., then pull the first st. over the 5 other sts., then the 2nd st. over the 4 other sts., and so on until only 1 st. in red is left on needle. Drop red, pick up white, K9 white, repeat from * across row (always carry yarn not in use loosely in back of work), end K9 (11-13). Break red at the end of row.
8th row: white: P across row
9th row: white: K across row
10th row: white: P across row
11th row: white: K across row
12th row: white: P across row
13th row: white: K4 (6-8) white, * drop white, attach pink, make a dot as before out of next st., drop pink, pick up white, K9 white, repeat from * across row, end K4 (6-8)
14th row: white: as 8th row
15th row: white: as 9th row
16th row: white: as 10th row
17th row: white: as 11th row
18th row: white: as 12th row
19th row: white: as 7th row but work the dot in blue.
Repeat from 7th to 18th row incl. for pattern, alternating the dots in red, pink and blue.

With No. 4 needles and white cast on 49 (53-57) sts. and work in stock. st. for 1 inch. K1 row on wrong side for hemline. Change to No. 8 needles and pattern. Work even until piece measures 6½ (7½-8½) inch. or any des. length above hemline. Bind off for armhole at the beg. of next 2 rows 3 (4-5) sts., at beg. of next 2 rows 2 sts. (39 (41-43) sts. left). Work even for 5½ (5¾-6¼) inch. Bind off for shoulders at beg. of the next 4 (4-4) rows 6 (7-7) sts., rem. 15 (13-15) sts. bind off for neck.

With white and No. 4 needles cast on 29 (31-33) sts. and work in stock. st. for 1 inch. K1 row on wrong side for hemline. Change to No. 8 needles and pattern. With 29 (31-33) sts. work even until the entire piece measures like back to underarm. Bind off for armhole at underarm edge 3 (4-5) sts. and at the beg. of the next 2 (1-1) rows at same edge 2 sts. (22 (25-26) sts. left). Work even for 4 (4¼-4¾) inch. from the first binding off. Bind off for neck 6 (7-8) sts. at center edge and then always 2 sts. at neck edge until 12 (14-14) sts. are left over. Work as high as back and bind off for shoulder at armhole edge 6 (7-7) sts. 2 (2-2) times.

With white and No. 4 needles cast on 24 (26-26) sts. and work in stock. st. for 1 inch. K1 row on wrong side for hemline and incr. 5 (3-3) sts. at even intervals across this row. Change to No. 8 needles and pattern. Incr. 1 st. at the beg. and end of every 6th row until 35 (37-39) sts. are on needle. Work even until the entire sleeve measures 8 (9-10) inch. or any des. length to underarm. Bind off at the beg. of the next 2 rows 3 (3-3) sts. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. of each row until cap measures 2¼ (2½-3) inch. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. and end of every 4th row once (twice-twice). Bind off 2 sts. at the beg. of the next 4 rows. Bind off rem. sts. Work the other sleeve to correspond.

Sew up side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. Neckband: Right side facing you, with white and No. 4 needles pick up and K54 (58-62) sts. around the neck and work in stock. st. for 6 rows, K1 row on wrong side for hemline, cont. stock. st. for 6 more rows. Bind off. Fold neckband in half and hem to wrong side. With white and No. 6 crochet hook work 2 rows s.c. on each side of the front, making a loop (ch. 2, skip 1) on top of right front for buttonhole. Sew button in place and block to size.