Hand-Knit Fashions
Volume 116
Spinnerin Yarn Company
Original Copyright 1950
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Happy Time Sweater, Town Time Sweater, Sport Time Sweater, Swing Time Jacket, Snug Time Helmet and Mittens, Sun-Up Time Sweater, Play Time Sweater, Wishing Time Sweater, Formal Time Sweater, Snow Time Parka, Senior and Junior Time Vests, High Time Jacket, Sleepy Time Baby Blanket. 1950, 16 pages.
K .............................................................................. Knit
P ............................................................................... Purl
st(s) ................................................................... stitch(es)
sl ............................................................................... slip
YO ................................................................... yarn over
PSSO ................................................ pass slip stitch over
tog ...................................................................... together
dec ..................................................................... decrease
inc ....................................................................... increase
in(s) ...................................................................... inch(es)
d.p.n. .............................................. double-pointed needle
Ch ............................................................................ chain
SC ............................................................... single crochet
* ........................ the asterisk symbol indicates that the directions immediately following are to be repeated the given number of times.
Work even ........ to work without increasing or decreasing.
Slip .................... to transfer a stitch from one needle to the other without knitting.
Marker ............. a tied loop of yarn, in a contrasting color, which is slipped from one needle to the other as you work.
To increase ....... Knit in front and in back of the same stitch, or insert right-hand needle under the horizontal strand between the last st and the next sl, slip this strand onto left-hand needle and K in back of this loop.
To decrease ...... Knit 2 stitches together (for slant to right), or slip 1, K1, PSSO (for slant to left).
PATTERN: A Multiple of 8 plus 7.
Row 1 (right side): P7, *YO, K1, YO, P7; repeat from * across.
Row 2: K7, *P3, K7; repeat from * across.
Row 3: P7, *with yarn in back, slip 1 st as if to K, K2 tog, pass slipped st over the K2 tog, P7; repeat from * across. (More)
BACK: Cast on 52 (56-60-64-68) sts and knit 2 rows. Change to stockinette st, dec 1 st each end of needle every 4 rows 7 (7-7-8-8) times (38 (42-46-48-52) sts). Work even until 6 (6-6-6½-6½) ins from start. Work in ribbing of K1, P1 for 1½ ins (Center of ribbing is point of waistline). Change to stockinette st, inc 1 st each end of every 6 rows 8 (8-8-9-9) times (54 (58-62-66-70) sts). Work even until 15 (15-15-15½-15½) ins from start or required length to armhole. (More)
Row 1 (right side): K4, *P8, K4; repeat from * across.
Row 2 and all even rows: Knit the K sts and purl the P sts.
Row 3: Work a cable twist over the first and every other K4 rib as follows: Slip the first 2 sts on d.p.n. and hold in back, K next 2 sts from left-hand needle, then K the 2 sts from d.p.n.
Repeat Row 2, then repeat Rows 1 and 2 once. (More)
BACK: Cast on 133 (139-145-151-157) sts and work in Seed St for 2 ins. Start Pattern: Row 1: K13 (16-17-18-21), *SS7, K18 (18-19-20-20); repeat from * ending with SS7, K13 (16-17-18-21). Row 2 (right side): P13 (16-17-18-21), *SS7, P18 (18-19-20-20); repeat from * ending with SS7, P13 (16-17-18-21). Repeat these 2 rows for pattern, dec 1 st at beg and end of needle every 6 rows 8 (8-8-8-9) times, (work all dec on knit side). (More)
HELMET: Starting at lower edge of back with No. 10 needles, cast on 72 (80) sts. Knit 4 rows. Change to stockinette st and work 2 rows. 1st Dec Row: K5 (6), K2 tog, *K10 (11), K2 tog; repeat from * 4 times, K5 (7). Work 3 rows. 2nd Dec Row: K5 (6), K2 tog, *K9 (10), K2 tog; repeat from * ending with K4 (6). Repeat this dec row every 4th row twice (48 (56) sts). (More)
Body: Rows 1 and 2: Knit across.
Row 3: K1, *YO needle twice, K1; repeat from * across.
Row 4: K1, *drop the YO's and K1; repeat from * across.
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern. (More)
BACK: With No. 10 needles, cast on 38 (42-46) sts. Work in pattern as follows: Row 1 (right side): K6 (8-9), P1, K6 (cable), P1, K10 (10-12), P1, K6 (cable), P1, K6 (8-9). Row 2 and all even rows: Knit the K sts and purl the P sts. Repeat Rows 1 and 2, twice. Row 7 (Cable Twist Row): K6 (8-9), P1, slip next 3 sts on d.p.n. and hold in back, knit next 3 sts, then knit the 3 sts from d.p.n., P1, K10 (10-12), P1, twist cable on next 6 sts, work to end in pattern. (More)
BACK: Cast on 40 (44-48-52) sts and work even in pattern for 2½ (2½-3-3) ins. Inc 1 st each end of next row, then being careful to keep to pattern, repeat inc every in 4 (5-5-5) times more (50 (56-60-64) sts). Work even until 10 (10½-10½-11) ins from start or required length to armhole. Shape Armhole: Bind off 3 (4-4-4) sts at beg of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each end of every other row 2 (3-3-4) times (40 (42-46-48) sts). Work even until armhole is 7 (7½-7½-7¾) ins. (More)
BACK: With No. 10 needles and Color A, cast on 48 (54-60) sts. Work in stockinette st for 1 in (hem). Start pattern and work even until 10½ (11-12) ins from start or 1 in longer than required length to armhole. Shape Armhole: Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each end of every other row 13 (15-16) times. Bind off remaining 18 (20-24) sts for back of neck. (More)
BACK: With Color A and No. 6 needles, cast on 44 (48-52-76-80-84) sts and work in ribbing of K2, P2 for 2 (2½-2½-3½-4) ins. Change to No. 10 needles and start Pattern as follows: Row 1 (right side) : K10 (11-12-14-14-15), *P1, K1, SS4 (5-5-11-12-12), K1, P1*, K8 (8-10-18-20-22); repeat from * to * once, K10 (11-12-14-14-15). (More)
PATTERN: A multiple of 12 plus 10.
Row 1 (right side): P10, *K2, P10; repeat from * across.
Row 2 and all even rows: Knit the K sts and purl the P sts.
Repeat Rows 1 and 2, 3 times.
Row 9: P4, *K2, P4; repeat from * across.
Repeat Rows 9 and 10 once. (More)
PATTERN: Rows 1 thru 4: *K4, P4, repeat from * to end of row.
Rows 5 thru 8: *P4, K4, repeat from * to end of row.
Repeat these 8 rows for pattern.
Cast on 104 sts and work in pattern for 32 ins or desired length. (More)
BACK: Make a ch loosely to measure 15 (17-19-21) ins or 1 in longer than desired width across lower edge of back. Row 1: Work 1 Knot St (draw up a loop 1 in long YO and draw through loop, SC through back of loop just made) SC in 5th ch from hook; *work 2 Knot Sts (referred to as a double-Knot st), skip 3 ch, SC in next ch; repeat from * across ch or until row will measure the desired width across lower edge. Cut off remaining ch. Ch 7 and turn. (More)
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