Boy's Cable Stitch Slip-On Sweater Pattern #159

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Boy's Cable Stitch Slip-On Sweater Pattern

Size 8-10 years

4 balls Sportyarn (2 oz. ball)
1 pair S.P. knitting needles No. 2 (3 mm.) and No. 4 (3½ mm.)
1 set D.P. knitting needles No. 2 (3 mm.)

GAUGE: 7 sts. = 1 inch

1st row: * K17, P2, K8, P2, repeat from * across row, end K17.
2nd row: * P17, K2, P8, K2, repeat from * across row, end P17.
Repeat these 2 rows 5 times more.
13th row: * K17, P2, slip the next 4 sts. to an extra needle and hold in front of work, K the next 4 sts., K the 4 sts. from extra needle, P2, repeat from * across row, end K17.
14th row: Like 2nd row.
15th row: Like 1st row.
16th row: Like 2nd row.
17th row: Like 13th row.
Continue to work this way, cabling the K8 sts. every following 12th and 4th row on the right side alternately.

BACK: Cast on 100 sts. with No 2 needles and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 3 inch. Change to No. 4 needles and pattern and incr. 4 sts. at even intervals across first row. With 104 sts. work even until the entire piece measures 11½ inch. or any desired length to underarm. Bind off for armhole at the beg. of the next 2 rows 6 sts., at the beg. of the next 4 rows 2 sts. (84 sts. left). Work even for 6¾ inch. from the first binding off. Bind off for shoulders at the beg. of the next 4 rows 13 sts., rem. 32 sts. bind off for neck.

FRONT: Work front the same way as back until 1 inch above the first binding off. Divide the sts. in half and put one side on a holder. Work on other side only and decr. for neck 1 st. at center edge every K row until 26 sts. are left over. Work as high as back, and bind off for shoulder at armhole edge 13 sts. twice. Connect the yarn on other side of V neck and finish to correspond.

SLEEVE: Cast on 48 sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 3½ inch. Incr. 6 sts. at even intervals across last row. Change to No. 4 needles and pattern as follows: 1st row: K21, P2, K8, P2, K21. Work cable pattern on the K8 sts. as on sweater. Incr. 1 st. at the beg. and at the end of every 6th row until 88 sts. on needle. Work even until entire sleeve measures 14½ inch. or any desired length to underarm. Bind off at the beg. of the next 2 rows 5 sts. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. of each row until 64 sts. on needle. Bind off 2 sts. at the beg. of each row until 32 sts. are left over. Bind off. Work the other sleeve to correspond.

FINISHING: Sew up side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves, having the cable come to the center of shoulder. Right side facing you, pick up with No. 2 sock needles 116 sts. around the neck and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 7 rows, decreasing 1 st. before and after the center st. every other row. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P. Steam lightly.