Gloves to Match Pattern #4004

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Gloves to Match Pattern #4004

Size 9 to 10

1 Set Double Pointed Steel Needles No. 12
Jack Frost English Type Zephyr or Heathertone—2 2-oz. Balls

Cast on 60 sts. loosely. Divide on 3 needles. Join, being careful not to twist. Work in ribbing of K. 3, P. 2, for 3½ in.

Round 1—K. 2, P. 3.
Round 2—K. 2, P. 3.
Round 3—P. 2, K. 3.
Round 4—P. 2, K. 3.

Above 4 rounds form pattern. Work in pattern to within the last 2 sts. on 3rd needle, (place marker), increase 1 st. in each of the next 2 sts., (place another marker), work 2 full rounds. On the 3rd round work to within the last 4 sts. on 3rd needle. Increase in first st. and st. before last. Work 2 full rounds. On the next round work to within the last 6 sts. on 3rd needle; increase in first st. and st. before the last. Continue increasing as described above, every 3rd round until there are 22 sts. between markers, complete round. Slip 24 sts. to a strand of yarn for thumb. Cast on 2 sts. and work around for 6 complete patterns.

FIRST FINGER—K. 11 sts., slip all remaining sts. but the last 7 on strand of yarn. Cast on 4 sts. K. the 7 sts. Place on 3 needles. Work for 32 rounds, then, * K. 2 tog., repeat from * until 4 sts. are left. Break yarn and draw through all sts. Fasten off.

SECOND FINGER—Slip the next 7 sts. from strand of yarn to needle and K. them, cast on 4 sts., K. 7 sts. from other end of strand yarn, then pick up 4 sts. from the base of first finger. Divide sts. on 3 needles. Work 38 rounds. Finish same as first finger.

THIRD FINGER—Slip the next 7 sts. from strand of yarn to needle and K. them, cast on 3 sts., K. 7 sts. from other end of strand of yarn, then pick up 4 sts. from the base of second finger. Work 32 rounds. Finish same as first finger.

FOURTH FINGER—Slip all sts. on needles, pick up 3 sts. from base of third finger. Work 30 rounds. Finish same as first finger.

THUMB—Slip sts. from strand of yarn to needles, work 24 rounds. Finish same as first finger.