Crew Neck Sweater Pattern #4029

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Crew Neck Sweater Pattern

Size 38

1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
1 Pr. Standard No. 4 Needles—14 in.

Scale: 6 sts. to 1 in.

Jack Frost Knitting Worsted—5 4-oz. Hanks

BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 110 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for 4 in. Change to No. 4 Needles and work in stockinette st. for 15 in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 4 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 6 times. Work even until armhole measures 8½ in., or desired length. K. 24, place on st.- holder. K. 42, place remaining 24 sts. on st.-holder. Work even in stockinette st. over the center 42 sts. for 3 rows, then de­crease 1 st. at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Bind off loosely.

FRONT: With No. 4 Needles cast on 38 sts. Working in stock­inette st., increase 1 st. at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Work 2 rows even. Slip the shoulder sts. on the Needle, with the 42 facing sts. in the center. Work even in stockinette st. until armhole measures same as back. Increase 1 st. at each end every other row 6 times. Cast on 6 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Work even until piece measures same as back. Change to No. 2 Needles, and work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for 4 in. Bind off.

SLEEVES: With No. 4 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 30 sts. across top of shoulder. Work back and forth in stockinette st., picking up 5 sts. at end of each row until 100 sts. have been picked up from end to end of armhole. Work 1 in. even. Decrease 1 st. at each end of row every in. to 70 sts., or until sleeve is desired width. Work even until sleeve measures 19 in., or desired length from underarm. Change to No. 2 Needles, decreasing to 58 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for 3 in. Bind off.
Sew underarm and sleeve seams.
Turn facing under at front and back of neck and sew to sweater.


Size: 10 yr. (size 12 yr. in parenthesis)

BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 84 sts. (12 yr.—88 sts.) Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for 3 in. Change to No. 4 Needles and work in stockinette st. for 9 in. (12 yr.—10 in.), or desired length to underarm. Bind off 4 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 4 times. Work even until piece measures 6½ in. (12 yr.—7 in.) or desired length to back of neck. K. 18 (12 yr.—20), place on st.-holder. K. 32 (12 yr.—32). Place remaining 18 sts. (12 yr.—20 sts.) on st.-holder. On the center 32 sts. work 3 rows even in stockinette st., then decrease 1 st. at the be­ginning of the next 4 rows. Bind off loosely.

FRONT: With No. 4 Needles cast on 28 sts. Working in stock­inette st., increase 1 st. at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Work 2 rows even. Slip the shoulder sts. on the Needle, with the 32 facing sts. in the center. Work even in stockinette st. until armhole measures same as back. Increase 1 st. at each end every other row 4 times. Cast on 4 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Work even until piece measures same as back. Change to No. 2 Needles. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for 3 in. Bind off.

SLEEVES: With No. 4 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 20 sts. across top of shoulder. Work back and forth in stockinette st., picking up 2 sts. at end of each row until 80 sts. (12 yr.—88 sts.) have been picked up from end to end of armhole. Work 6 rows even, then decrease 1 st. at each end every 6th row 14 times. Work even until sleeve measures 15 in. (12 yr.—16 in.) or desired length from underarm. Change to No. 2 Needles decreasing to 42 sts. (12 yr.—48 sts.) at even intervals across the row. K. 2, P. 2, for 3 in. Bind off. Sew underarm and sleeve seams.
Turn facing under at front and back of neck, and sew to sweater.