Two Tone Socks Pattern #4021

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Two Tone Socks Pattern

Size 11
1 Set Double Pointed Steel Needles No. 13
Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.
Jack Frost Heathertone Sport Yarn
Light Oxford—2 2-oz. Balls; Redmist—1 2-oz. Ball

With Light Oxford cast on 72 sts. Divide on 3 needles. Join, being careful not to twist. Work in ribbing of K. 3, P. 1, for 3 in. Work in pattern as follows: Join Redmist, * K. 3, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, K. 1, P. 1, repeat from * for 4 rows. Pick up Light Oxford, and work 6 rows. Repeat last 10 rows for 7 in. Drop Redmist, (to be picked up later for pattern), slip 39 sts. on one needle, and work heel as follows: * slip 1, K. 1, repeat from * across. Turn, P. back. Turn, * slip 2, K. 1, repeat from * across. Repeat above 3 rows for 28 rows.

TURNING OF HEEL—K. to within last 14 sts. K. 2 tog., turn. Slip 1 st., P. to within last 14 sts., P. 2 tog., turn. K. to within last 12 sts., K. 2 tog., turn. P. to within last 12 sts., P. 2 tog., turn. Continue taking off 2 more sts. on each side until all sts. have been worked. On first needle, pick up 17 sts. on one side of heel, with 2nd needle, work across instep in striped pattern. With 3rd needle, pick up 17 sts. on other side of heel, work to center of heel. * On first needle, K. to within last 3 sts., K. 2 tog., K. 1. On 2nd needle, work across instep. On 3rd needle, K. 1, K. 2 tog. in back of sts., work to end of round. Work 1 round even. Repeat from *, continu­ing pattern until 72 sts. remain. Work even until foot measures 9 in. Complete toe same as given for socks pattern.