Tweed Tone Socks Pattern #4015

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Tweed Tone Socks Pattern

Size: 10½ to 11½
1 Set Double Pointed Steel Needles No. 13
Scale: 8 sts. to 1 in.
Jack Frost Fingering Fleece
Almondmist—3 1-oz. Balls; Natural—3 1-oz. Balls

With Almondmist cast on 68 sts. loosely. Divide on 3 needles. Join, being careful not to twist. Work in ribbing of P. 2, K. 2, for 3 in. K. 1 round, increasing to 79 sts. at even in­tervals around. Tie Natural, and holding Almondmist in left hand and Natural in right hand, * K. 1 st. from left hand, and 1 st. from right, repeat from * alternating colors in the above manner until piece measures 7 in. from ribbing.

HEEL—Slip 38 sts. on one needle and work heel as follows:
Row 1—Slip 1 st., K. 2, * slip 1 st., K. 1, repeat from * to end.
Row 2—Slip 1 st., P. back. Repeat above 2 rows for 2 in.

TURNING OF HEEL—Slip 1 st., K. 21, K. 2 tog. in back of sts., K. 1 st., turn. Slip 1 st., P. 7, P. 2 tog., P. 1, turn. Slip 1 st., K. 8, K. 2 tog., K. 1, turn. Slip 1 st., P. 9, P. 2 tog., P. 1, turn. Slip 1 st., K. 10 sts., K. 2 tog., K. 1, turn. Con­tinue in this manner, working 1 more st. on each side before decreasing, until all sts. are worked. Holding right side to­ward you, with first needle, pick up 15 sts. on side of heel. Tie Natural, and with 2nd needle, work across instep, alter­nating colors. With 3rd needle, pick up 15 sts. on other side of heel, and work to center. Slip remaining sts. to first needle. * Work 1 round. On first needle, K. to within last 4 sts., K. 2 tog., K. 3; on 2nd needle, work across instep; on 3rd needle, K. 2, K. 2 tog. in back of sts., work to end. Re­peat from * until 79 sts. remain. Work even until foot meas­ures 8½ to 9½ in., allowing 2 in. for toe.

TOE—Starting from center of sole, place 20 sts. on first needle, 39 sts. on 2nd needle, and 20 sts. on 3rd needle. * On first needle, K. to within last 4 sts., K. 2 tog., K. 2. On 2nd needle, K. 2, K. 2 tog., in back of sts., K. to within last 4 sts., K. 2 tog., K. 2. On 3rd needle, K. 2, K. 2 tog., in back of sts., work to end. K. 1 round even. Repeat from * until 16 sts. are left. Bind off and sew or weave tog.