Striped Socks Pattern #4020

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Striped Socks Pattern

Size 10½ to 11½
1 Set Steel Sock Needles No. 12
Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.
Jack Frost Heathertone Sport Yarn
Natural—2 2-oz. Balls; Junglemist— 1 2-oz. Ball; Greenmist—1 2-oz. Ball

With Natural, cast on 68 sts. Join, being careful not to twist, dividing on 3 needles. Work in ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in., then * work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 1, for 2 rounds. Join Green­mist, work 2 rounds; join Natural, work 2 rounds; join Junglemist, work 2 rounds, repeat from * for 7 in., always twisting yarn when joining colors. Slip 34 sts. on one needle. Working over the 34 sts. with Natural, K. 2, * slip 1, K. 1, repeat from * to end. P. back. Repeat above 2 rows for 30 rows.

TURNING OF HEEL—K. 20, K. 2 tog., turn. P. 7, P. 2 tog., turn. K. 8, K. 2 tog., turn. P. 9, P. 2 tog., turn. K. 10, K. 2 tog., turn. Continue in this manner until all heel sts. are worked. Pick up 17 sts. on one side of heel. With 2nd needle, work across instep in pattern of K. 2, P. 1. With 3rd needle, pick up 17 sts. on other side of heel, and work to center of heel. Working in stripes, continue as follows: * on first needle, work to within last 4 sts., K. 2 tog., K. 2. On 2nd needle, work across instep. On 3rd needle, K. 2, K. 2 tog. in back of sts. Work to end. Work 1 round even. Repeat from *, continuing pattern, until 64 sts. remain. Work even for 5½ in.

TOE—Starting from center of sole, place 16 sts. on first needle, 32 sts. on 2nd needle, and remaining 16 sts. on 3rd needle. Then work as follows: On first needle, K. to within last 4 sts., K. 2 tog., K. 2. On 2nd needle, K. 2, K. 2 tog., in back of sts., work to within last 4 sts., K. 2 tog., K. 2. On 3rd needle, K. 2, K. 2 tog., in back of sts. K. 1 round even. Repeat above 2 rounds until 10 sts. remain on front needle, and 5 sts. on each of other 2 needles. Bind off and sew or weave tog.