Color Cable Socks Pattern #4017

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Color Cable Socks Pattern

Size 11
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
1 Double Pointed Needle
Scale: 6½ sts. to 1 in.
Jack Frost Heathertone Sport Yarn
Natural—2 2-oz. Balls; Greenmist—1 2-oz. Ball

Cast on 68 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Using 3 small balls of Natural, and 2 small balls of Greenmist, work as follows:
Row 1—With Natural, * K. 5, P. 1, repeat from * twice; join Greenmist, (always twisting colors when joining), K. 6; join Natural, P. 1, * K. 5, P. 1, repeat from * twice; join Green­mist, K. 6; join Natural, P. 1, K. 5, ending P. 1.
Row 2—K. 1, * P. 5, K. 1, repeat from * twice. Pick up Green­mist, P. 6; pick up Natural, * K. 1, P. 5, repeat from * twice, K. 1; pick up Greenmist, P. 6; pick up Natural, K. 1, P. 5, to end of row.
Repeat above 2 rows, working a cable twist over the Green­mist panel of K. 6 on the 7th row and every 8th row thereafter as follows: slip 3 sts. on double pointed needle, hold in back of work. K. the next 3 sts., then bring the 3 sts. which were slip­ped, forward, and K. them. Repeat cable over Greenmist panels of K. 6 across row. Work in pattern until 8 cable twists have been completed. Work over 18 sts., slip to st.-holder. Break 1 ball of Natural. Work across instep to with­in last 19 sts. Slip these to st.-holder. Work back and forth on instep with 2 balls of Greenmist and one ball of Natural, until 9 cable twists have been completed. Complete sock same as cable sport socks.