Cardigan Pattern #4008

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Cardigan Pattern

Size 38
1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
1 Pr. Standard No. 4 Needles—14 in.
Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.
Jack Frost Knitting Worsted—6 4-oz. Hanks

BACK: With No. 3 Needles cast on 104 sts. Work in garter st. for 13 rows. Change to No. 4 Needles and work in stockinette st. until piece measures 15 in. or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then de­crease 1 st. at each end every other row 3 times. Work even until piece measures 9 in. or desired length to back of neck. Then divide work as follows: Work over 30 sts. Place on st.-holder. Bind off 32 sts. for back of neck. On remaining sts. start shoulder. K. 12 rows in garter st., then K. 1 row, P. 1 row for 1 in. Increase 1 st. at neck edge every 3rd row 17 times. On remaining 47 sts. work even to 1st increase at underarm. Increase 1 st. at armhole edge every other row 3 times. Cast on 5 sts., keeping front edge straight. Work even until piece measures 10 in. from underarm. Then bind off for pocket as follows: Starting at underarm edge, on right side of garment, K. 12, bind off 28 sts., K. 15. On the next row P. 15, cast on 28 sts. over the bound off sts. P. 12. Work back and forth in stockinette st. until piece measures 4½ in. from cast on sts. for pocket. Change to No. 3 Needles. Work 13 rows in garter st. Bind off. Work other side to correspond.

SLEEVES: With No. 4 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 30 sts. across shoulder. Work back and forth in stockinette st., picking up 2 sts. at end of each row until 100 sts. have been picked up from end to end of armhole. Work 6 rows even. Decrease 1 st. at each end every 6th row to 70 sts. Work even until sleeve measures 19 in., or desired length at under­arm. Change to No. 3 Needles, decreasing to 58 sts. at even intervals across the row. K. 2, P. 2, for 3½ in. Bind off.

BUTTONHOLE BAND: With No. 3 Needles cast on 9 sts. Work back and forth in garter st. for 1 in., then make 1st buttonhole as follows: K. 3, bind off 3, K. 3. On the next row, K. 3, cast on 3 sts. over the 3 bound off sts., K. 3. Repeat buttonholes every 2 in. 9 times. (10 buttonholes in all) Con­tinue working in garter st. until band measures 60 in. in all, or desired length. Bind off. Sew to front edges and around neck of cardigan.

POCKETS: Across top of opening for pocket, pick up 28 sts. Work in stockinette st. for 4½ in. Bind off. Sew to sweater. Across lower edge of opening, pick up 28 sts. Work in garter st. for 12 rows. Bind off. Sew sides to cardigan.
Sew underarm and sleeve seams.

Size: 6 (sizes 8, 10, 12, in parenthesis)

BACK: With No. 3 Needles cast on 72 sts. (8 yr.—76 sts.) (10 yr.—80 sts.) (12 yr.—84 sts.). Work in garter st. for 10 rows. Change to No. 4 Needles and work in stockinette st. until piece measures 10 in. (8 yr.—11 in.) (10 yr.—12 in.) (12 yr.—13 in.), or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st. at each end every other row 3 times. Work even until piece measures 5½ in. (8 yr.—6 in.) (10 yr.—6½ in.) (12 yr.—7 in.) even, or to desired length to back of neck. Work over 20 sts. (8 yr.—21 sts.) (10 yr.—22 sts.) (12 yr.—23 sts.). Place on st.-holder. Bind off 20 sts. (8 yr.—22 sts.) (10 yr.—24 sts.) (12 yr.—26 sts.) for back of neck. On remaining 20 sts. (8 yr.—21 sts.) (10 yr.—22 sts.) (12 yr.—23 sts.) work 10 rows even in garter st. K. 1 row, P. 1 row for 1 in. Increase 1 st. at neck edge every 3rd row 11 times (8 yr.—12 times) (10 yr.—13 times) (12 yr.—14 times). On remaining 31 sts. (8 yr.—33 sts.) (10 yr.—35 sts.) (12 yr.—37 sts.) work even to 1st increase at armhole. Increase 1 st. at armhole edge every other row 3 times. Cast on 5 sts. at armhole edge once. Keeping front edge straight, work even until piece measures 7 in. (8 yr.—8 in.) (10 yr.—9 in.) (12 yr.—10 in.) from underarm. Then bind off for pocket as follows: Starting at underarm edge, on right side of garment, K. 10 sts. (8 yr.—10 sts.) (10 yr.—12 sts.) (12 yr.—12 sts.). Bind off 15 sts. (8 yr.—17 sts.) (10 yr.—17 sts.) (12 yr.—18 sts.). Work over remaining 14 sts. (8 yr.—14 sts.) (10 yr.—14 sts.) (12 yr.—15 sts.). On the next row cast on 15 sts. (8 yr.—17 sts.) (10 yr.—17 sts.) (12 yr.—18 sts.) over the bound off sts. Work back and forth in stockin­ette st. until piece measures same as back from underarm to garter st. band. Change to No. 3 Needles. Work in garter st. for 10 rows. Bind off. Work other side to correspond.

SLEEVES: With No. 4 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 18 sts. (8 yr.—22 sts.) (10 yr.—26 sts.) (12 yr.—30 sts.) across top of shoulder. Work back and forth in stockinette st., picking up 2 sts. at end of each row until 70 sts. (8 yr.—78 sts.) (10 yr.—86 sts.) (12 yr.—94 sts.) have been picked up from end to end of armhole. Work 6 rows even. Decrease 1 st. at each end every 4th row 10 times (8 yr.—11 times) (10 yr. —13 times) (12 yr.—15 times). Work even until sleeve measures 10 in. (8 yr.—12 in.) (10 yr.—14 in.) (12 yr.—16 in.) or desired length from underarm. Change to No. 3 Needles, decreasing to 34 sts. (8 yr.—36 sts.) (10 yr.—40 sts.) (12 yr.—44 sts.) at even intervals across the row. K. 2, P. 2, for 3 in. Bind off. Sew underarm and sleeve seams.

BUTTONHOLE BAND: With No. 3 Needles cast on 7 sts. Work to correspond with man's buttonhole band, having the buttonholes 1½ in. apart instead of 2 in., and K. 2, binding off 3, K. 2 for the buttonholes.

POCKETS: Across top of opening which was made for pock­ets, pick up 15 sts. (8 yr.—17 sts.) (10 yr.—17 sts.) (12 yr.— 18 sts.). Work in stockinette st. until piece measures same as sweater to garter st. band. Bind off. Across lower edge of opening, pick up 15 sts. (8 yr.—17 sts.) (10 yr.—17 sts.) (12 yr.—18 sts.). Work in garter st. for 12 rows. Bind off.
Sew sides to cardigan. Sew band to front edges and around neck of cardigan.