Hat Pattern 3910

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Hat Pattern 3910

BERNAT Nylo Sports (2 oz. balls) — 1 each Main Color (M C) and Contrasting Color (C C)

GAUGE: 7 sts = 1 inch; 10 rows = 1 inch

NOTE: When changing colors, always carry yarn not in use loosely across wrong side of work.

TIE: Using M C, cast on 3 sts. P 1, K 1, P 1. Continuing in ribbing, inc 1 st each end of needle EVERY ROW 4 times — 11 sts. Work 1 row even. Then work as follows: Row 1: K 2, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, K 2. Row 2: K 1, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across row. Repeat last 2 rows until piece measures 11 inches, ending with Row 2. SHAPE HEADBAND: Row 1: K 2, P 1, K 1, P 1, put a marker on needle, K in front, in back and in front of next st (2 sts increased), put a marker on needle, P 1, K 1, P 1, K 2. Row 2: Work 5 sts in pattern as established, inc 1 st in next st, P 1, inc 1 st in next st, work to end of row. Row 3: Work to first marker, inc 1 st in next st, K to 1 st before next marker, inc 1 st in next st, work to end of row. Row 4: Work to first marker, inc 1 st in next st, P to 1 st be­fore next marker, inc 1 st in next st, work to end of row — 19 sts. On next row work to marker, inc 1 st in next st, join C C and, following chart, work design in stockinette st to 1 st before next marker, inc 1 st in next st, work to end of row. Keeping 5 sts each end of needle in pattern as estab­lished, following chart, work center sts in stockinette st, inc 1 st after first marker and 1 st before 2nd marker EVERY ROW 5 times more and every 10th row 3 times — 37 sts. Still following chart, work even until 112 rows of chart have been completed. On next row work to first marker, K 2 tog, following chart, work to 2 sts before second marker, K 2 tog, work to end of row. Repeat this dec every 10th row twice more and EVERY ROW 5 times — 21 sts. Break off C C. Using M C ONLY, keeping center sts in stockinette st and 5 sts each side in pattern as established, repeat dec EVERY ROW 5 times more — 11 sts. Then work in rib­bing as established, dec 1 st each end of needle EVERY ROW 4 times. Bind off remaining 3 sts.

FRONT PIECE: Using C C, cast on 3 sts. Mark beg of row for outer edge. Row 1: K 1, P 1, K 1. Row 2: Inc 1 st in first st, K 2. Row 3: K 1, P 1, K 1, inc 1 st in last st. Row 4: Inc 1 st in first st, work in ribbing to last st, K 1. Row 5: K 1, work in ribbing, inc 1 st in last st. Keeping 1 st at outer edge in garter st and remaining sts in P 1, K 1 ribbing, cast on 3 sts at INNER EDGE 6 times. Work even in pattern as established on 25 sts until piece measures 2½ inches at outer edge. Bind off 3 sts at inner edge 6 times. Then dec 1 st at same edge EVERY ROW 4 times. Bind off remaining 3 sts.

BACK PIECE: Using C C, cast on 3 sts. Work to correspond to front piece for 5 rows. Then cast on 3 sts at inner edge 4 times — 19 sts. Work even in same manner as front piece until piece measures 2¼ inches at outer edge. Bind off 3 sts at inner edge 4 times. Then dec 1 st at same edge EVERY ROW 4 times. Bind off remaining 3 sts.

FINISHING: Sew inner edge of front and back pieces to headband as shown in photograph. Block.

Hat Pattern 3910 chart