Pullover Sweater Pattern | Sizes 8 (10-12-14)

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Pullover Sweater Pattern 5925

These directions are for subteen size 8. Changes for subteen sizes 10, 12 and 14 are in parentheses.

BERNAT Nylo Germantown (2 oz. skeins) — 6(6-6-7) Main Color (M C); 1 Contrasting Color (C C)
1 each 16 inch and 29 inch circular needles No. 8 OR ANY SIZE NEEDLES WHICH WILL GIVE THE STITCH GAUGE GIVEN BELOW
1 pair straight knitting needles No. 6

GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch; 6 rows or rounds = 1 inch

NOTE: Use C C bobbin for each design, being sure to carry M C loosely across wrong side of work.

YOKE: Using 16 inch circular needle and M C, starting at turtle neck, cast on 64 sts. Join, being careful not to twist sts. P 2, K 2 in ribbing for 5 inches. FIRST INC ROUND: * P 2, inc 1 st in next st, K 1, repeat from * to end of round — 16 sts increased. P 2, K 3 in ribbing for 3 rounds. SEC­OND INC ROUND: * P 2, inc 1 st in next st, K 1, inc 1 st in next st, repeat from * to end of round — 32 sts increased. P 2, K 5 in ribbing for 4 rounds. On the next round follow­ing chart, work design in each K 5 rib — 16 designs started. Following chart, work 3 rounds even. THIRD INC ROUND: Using M C ONLY, * P 2, inc 1 st in next st, K 3, inc 1 st in next st, repeat from * to end of round — 32 sts increased. Continue to follow chart for each K rib for 7 rounds more. FOURTH INC ROUND: Starting at beg of a round and still following chart, P 2 M C, inc 1 st in next st, K 2 M C, K 1 C C, K 2 M C, inc 1 st in next st, repeat from * to end of round — 176 sts. Still following chart for design of each K rib, continue in pattern as estab­lished until chart has been completed. Break off C C. Using M C ONLY, K 2 rounds. Join C C and K 1 round. Break off C C. Change to 29 inch needle. SHAPE RAGLAN: Round 1: * K 33 (sleeve), put a marker on needle, K 55, put a marker on needle, repeat from * once more — 4 markers on needle. Round 2: K, inc 1 st each side of each marker — 8 sts in­creased. Round 3: Knit. Repeat these last 2 rounds 9(11-12-14) times more — 256(272-280-296) sts. DIVIDE FOR BODY AND SLEEVES: Starting at beg of round, sl first 53(57-59-63) sts onto a holder for right sleeve; sl next 75(79-81-85) sts onto a holder for front; sl next 53(57-59-63) sts onto a holder for left sleeve; sl remaining 75(79-81-85) sts onto a holder for back. RIGHT SLEEVE: With right side facing you, sl 53(57-59-63) sts of right sleeve onto 16 inch needle. Using M C and working back and forth in stockinette st, at the beg of each of the next 2 rows cast on 2 sts. Continue in stockinette st on 57(61-63-67) sts until piece measures 2 inches above last group of cast on sts. On next row dec 1 st each end of needle and repeat this dec every 1 inch 6 times more. Work even on 43(47-49-53) sts until sleeves measure 10 inches above last group of cast on sts. On next row dec at even intervals to 40(40-44-44) sts. Change to No. 6 needles and K 2, P 2 in ribbing for 2 inches. Bind off. LEFT SLEEVE: Work to correspond to right sleeve. FRONT: With right side facing you, sl 75(79-81-85) sts of front onto 16 inch needle. Join M C and working back and forth in stockinette st, at the beg of each of the next 2 rows cast on 2 sts. Continue in stockinette st on 79(83-85-89) sts until piece measures 7(7½-8-8½) inches above last group of cast on sts. On next row dec at even intervals to 76(80-80-84) sts. Change to No. 6 needles and K 2, P 2 in ribbing for 2½ inches. Bind off. BACK: Work to corre­spond to front.

FINISHING: Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Block to size.

Pullover Sweater Pattern 5925 chart