Hooded Cardigan Sweater Pattern | Sizes 8 (10-12-14)

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Hooded Cardigan Sweater Pattern 5898

These directions are for subteen size 8. Changes for subteen sizes 10, 12 and 14 are in parentheses.

BERNAT Nylo Knitting Worsted (4 oz. skeins) — 3(3-4-4) each of Light Color (M C) and Dark Color (C C)
1 steel crochet hook No. 00
1 Talon Lightweight Separating Zipper 16 inch length
1½ yds cord

GAUGE: 9 sts = 2 inches; 9 rows = 2 inches

PATTERN STITCH FOR BACK: Multiple of 4 sts plus 2.
Row 1: K 2 M C, * K 2 C C, K 2 M C, repeat from * across row.
Row 2: P 1 M C, * P 2 C C, P 2 M C, repeat from * to center back marker, ** P 2 C C, P 2 M C, repeat from **, ending P 2 C C, P 1 M C.
Row 3: K 2 C C, * K 2 M C, K 2 C C, repeat from * across row.
Row 4: P 1 C C, P 2 M C, * P 2 C C, P 2 M C, repeat from * to center back marker, ** P 2 M C, P 2 C C, repeat from **, ending P 2 M C, P 1 C C.
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern stitch for back.

BACK: Using M C, cast on 70(74-78-82) sts. K 35(37-39- 41), put a marker on needle (center back), K 35(37-39-41). Work even in stockinette st for 5 rows more, ending with a P row (hemline). Join C C and work even in pattern st until piece measures 6¼(6½-6¾-7½) inches above hem­line. SHAPE DOLMAN SLEEVES: At the beg of each of the next 10 rows cast on 12 sts, forming new patterns as sts are increased. Work even on 190(194-198-202) sts until sleeves measure 4¼(4½-4¾-5) inches above last group of cast on sts. SHAPE SHOULDERS: At the beg of each of the next 18(18-18-20) rows bind off 8 sts. At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 8(10-12-6) sts. Bind off remaining 30 sts.

Row 1: * K 2 M C, K 2 C C, repeat from * across row.
Row 2: P 1 M C, * P 2 C C, P 2 M C, repeat from *, ending P 2 C C, P 1 M C.
Row 3: * K 2 C C, K 2 M C, repeat from * across row.
Row 4: P 1 C C, * P 2 M C, P 2 C C, repeat from *, ending P 2 M C, P 1 C C.
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern stitch for left front.

LEFT FRONT: Using M C, cast on 36(40-40-44) sts. Work even in stockinette st for 6 rows, ending with a P row (hem­line). Join C C and work even in pattern st for left front until piece measures 6¼(6½-6¾-7½) inches above hem­line, ending with a P row. SHAPE DOLMAN SLEEVE: At arm edge cast on 12 sts 5 times. Work even in pattern st on 96(100-100-104) sts until sleeve measures 4¼(4½-4¾-5) inches above last group of cast on sts, ending at front edge. SHAPE NECK: At front edge bind off 8 sts, work to end of row. SHAPE SHOULDER: Dec 1 st at neck edge EVERY ROW 8(10-8-10) times, at arm edge bind off 8 sts 9(9-9-10) times and 8(10-12-6) sts once.

RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond to left front, reversing pattern and all shaping.

PATTERN STITCH FOR LEFT SIDE OF HOOD: Multiple of 4 sts plus 2.
Row 1: K 2 M C, * K 2 C C, K 2 M C, repeat from * across row.
Row 2: P 1 M C, * P 2 C C, P 2 M C, repeat from *, ending P 1 C C.
Row 3: K 2 C C, * K 2 M C, K 2 C C, repeat from * across row.
Row 4: P 1 C C, * P 2 M C, P 2 C C, repeat from *, ending P 1 M C.
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern stitch for left side of hood.

PATTERN STITCH FOR RIGHT SIDE OF HOOD: Multiple of 4 sts plus 2.
Row 1: K 2 C C, * K 2 M C, K 2 C C, repeat from * across row.
Row 2: P 1 M C, * P 2 C C, P 2 M C, repeat from *, end­ing P 1 C C.
Row 3: K 2 M C, * K 2 C C, K 2 M C, repeat from * across row.
Row 4: P 1 C C, * P 2 M C, P 2 C C, repeat from *, end­ing P 1 M C.
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern stitch for right side of hood.

HOOD: LEFT SIDE: Using M C, cast on 30 sts. Work in pattern st, inc 1 st each end of needle EVERY ROW 12 times, forming new patterns as sts are increased. At the beg of each of the next 2 rows cast on 14 sts — 82 sts. Work in pattern st, inc 1 st each end of needle every 1½ inches twice. Work even on 86 sts until piece measures 5 inches above last group of cast on sts, ending with Row 4. SHAPE TOP: On next row dec 1 st each end of needle and repeat this dec every 4th row 4 times more, every other row 6 times and EVERY ROW 6 times, ending with Row 4 — 54 sts. Put a marker in work to mark center top. RIGHT SIDE: Work in pattern st for right side of hood, inc 1 st each end of needle EVERY ROW 6 times, every other row 6 times and every 4th row 4 times — 86 sts. Put a marker in work to mark end of top shaping, and work even until piece measures 2 inches above last marker. On next row dec 1 st each end of needle and repeat this dec every 1½ inches once more. Work even on 82 sts until piece measures 5 inches above last marker. At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 14 sts. Dec 1 st each end of needle EVERY ROW 12 times. Bind off remaining 30 sts.

FINISHING: Sew underarm, sleeve and shoulder seams. Sew back seams of hood from center top to neck edge. Fold hood in half lengthwise — right side out — and sew to neck edge. Turn under hem and sew to wrong side, leaving front openings free for drawstring. Using M C, with right side facing you, work 1 row s c on each front edge and around sleeve edges. Block. Sew in zipper. Run cord through hem for drawstring.